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How the autobiographical theater was born?


Updated: Nov 8, 2022

The idea of Autobiographical Theatre starts from the autonoetic consciousness that allows us to travel in mental time towards the past and the future, to develop an imaginative culture, to overcome traumatic recurrent memories of yesterday and to face the uncertainty of tomorrow.

The project "Autobiographical Theatre fiction as an innovative tool to address the human vulnerability" metaphorizes the memory that hurts to distance suffering and achieve resilience, and at the same time, make visible, sensitize, remove consciences, make visible the silent, our own fold. Put the mental models in the discussion by removing their filters; prejudices and limiting beliefs, to promote a disruptive change in stereotypes. Transform the look before a vulnerable population. Theatre as a spur for inclusion initiatives.Another desire that the "Autobiographical Theatre" has is to try to recover, integrate vulnerable and excluded people by increasing their personal and social skills and, above all, improving their quality of life.

ATENEA Project seeks to address the problem at a transnational level through a consortium of partners, with complementary competencies, n to disseminate innovative methods that help address the vulnerability. Thus, the project wants to rethink the strategies of non-formal education for adults through the autobiographical theatre approach that allows us to build proposals that include differences and allow us to rediscover the expressive and communicative possibilities that dramatic art has. Many people live in maximum invisibility in various European countries and in the world and alternative and innovative strategies are needed for their social inclusion.The first moment of contact is the phase of trust, from that moment Ferrandis starts the activities: germinate harmony, cultivate bonds of union, understanding and affection between the groups. Generate intimacy: create trust, security, tenderness so that the stories emanate, be told and respected Generate the ideal environment so that the person feels comfortable, safe and eager to share that personal story they need to tell. The stories that are difficult to tell, things that are prosecuted, shameful or difficult to explain, require intimacy between people. Intimacy is not privacy, nor is it public, it is an intermediate space where we share, collaborate and co-create. This is the first step for the Autobiographical Theatre was born.

All who find this topic relevant are welcome to join the conversation.

Domingo Ferrandis is a pioneer and precursor of dramatherapy in Spain. He has an Official diploma in theatre pedagogy from the University of Valencia, Spain, RDT credential in Dramatherapy from the Official Certificate NADTA (American Drama Therapy Association). with the support of the Master's in Dramatherapy from the Kansas State University, USA.


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