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Valencia, 25 -26 June 2022.


About the Festival

Real stories of stigmatization turned into


6 countries, 6 stories, 6 PIECES, 6 STIGMA

FICTION to address VULNERABILITY with the possibility of resilience

Stories of overcoming, inclusion, love stories, culminating in a colloquium between cast and audience, to talk about forbidden, stereotyped, hidden or ignored by society.

The piece, autobiographical, covers the tragic reality of metaphors to be able to say "the personal and the collective, the private and the intimate"


SATURDAY 06/25. 9:00 p.m. Festival presentation GALA.

  • 9:30 p.m. Café club with the documentary Autobiographical Theater

  • 10:00 p.m. Àmbit (Valencia, Spain). Scenic piece: "A world apart inside the world"

SUNDAY 06/26. 5:00 p.m. Festival presentation GALA.

  • 5:00 p.m. Video documentary Autobiographical Theater Atenea Project

  • 6:00 p.m. DRPDNM (Novo Mesto, Slovenia). Piece: "One way ticket"

  • 7:00 p.m.K.A.NE. (Kalamata, Greece). Piece: "Puzzle"

  • 8:00 p.m. Les Cultures (Lecco, Italy). Piece: "Frammenti e futuro"

  • 9:00 p.m. ENRI (Vilnus, Lithuania). Piece: "When I breathe. I think of You"



Coordinator of the Festival Àmbit ,

Director of Àmbit Javier Vilalta.

DIrector of the Festival of Autobiographical Theatre: Domingo Ferrandis


Project Coordinator Ana Maria Solis.


Management Enrique Sala  and Eva Tormo.


With the collaboration of the Valencia City Council

W E  A R E  M A D E  O F  P A R T I C L E S  O F  S T O R I E S

L E T ' S   G U A R A N T E E  A  H E A L T H Y  L I F E ,

W O R T H Y  A N D  S A F E  F O R  A L L

© 2020-2023 by ATENEA Project 

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