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Autobiographical Theatre fiction as an innovative tool to support long-term unemployed people


Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Autobiographical theatre methodology applied to long-term unemployed people and groups with vulnerable background by K.A.NE. (Greece) in the field of ATENEA project.

Everything has a past, we are stories, and we are made up of particles of those stories. We are not composed of atoms but of stories; we are the stories we have lived, we are also the stories we have dreamt, those that made us grow up, and those that we have been told; we are even the stories that we have invented. In essence, we are stories that are told, imagined, and desired. Everyone has a story and every voice needs and deserves to be heard and honoured. A theatre is just a place where stories are told and where characters incarnate them”.

ATENEA is an Erasmus+ KA204 Project that aims to foster European cooperation between different partners and relevant stakeholders in adult learning related to migrant integration, intergenerational learning, and social inclusion. The educational methods will be through specific innovative pedagogical approaches using the "Autobiographical Theatre", which is the Methodology of Autobiographical Theatre developed by the Spanish playwright and actor Domingo Ferrandis.

ATENEA is connected with the idea of Autobiographical Theatre and aims to recover and integrate vulnerable and excluded people increasing their personal and as well as social skills and, above all, improving their quality of life.

The project addresses the problem at a transnational level through a team of partners that complement each other towards spreading innovative methods to face the vulnerability. Thus, the project wants to rethink the teaching and adult learning strategies with the Autobiographical theatre approach allows us to construct proposals that include the differences and rediscover the expressive and communicative possibilities that dramatic art has.

K.A.NE. is a non-government organization situated in Kalamata, Greece. It does national and international youth work. It aims to offer opportunities for personal and social development to local youth through socio-educational activities and non-formal education. In this project, it managed to work in the field of integration and support the long-term unemployed people.The autobiographical theatre has soon been seen as a chance for its beneficiaries to integrate and transform their lives and their fears into art.

This performance will help Greek vulnerable people to increase and strengthen the relationships between unemployed people and groups that face economic difficulties as well as it will facilitate their resilience through theatre. This autobiographical theatre aims to give vulnerable adults tools to connect and understand their values in the community and society in general. Thanks to pilot workshops, all the transnational and different vulnerable beneficiaries groups will be involved to experience the unique power of Autobiographical theatre that is going to be supportive and even healing to acquire valuable social skills.

Project partners:


ENTRI (Lithuania)

Les Cultures (Itlay)

Euro-Med Youth Federation (EMYF) e. V. (Germany)



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ATENEA‘s project website:


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